presents the deFaced Fonts Collection

Buy the Complete deFaced Way Cool Font Collection
for the Low, Low Price of only $99.95!

99 Fonts for $99.95

Instructions & Advice:

and now for the fonts:

All samples below at 30pt

NEW! AlphaMouse Family - 5 fonts - $10
Big Bottoms
NEW! Big Bottoms Family - 8 fonts - $20
Big Time
Big Time $10
NEW! Calligula Family - 5 fonts - $10
Dingalingaling! Family - 4 fonts - $10
DingleBerries 4 Fonts (Reg., Ital., Bold, Bold Ital.) - $10
NEW! DingleBerries Family - 13 Fonts - $40
Dirty Deco
Dirty Deco $10
DreadLox Family - 4 fonts - $10
Dunno Family with NEW Dunno Squat & Dunno Squat & Plump- 3 Fonts - $10
Smelted - 1 Font - $20
Flak Jacket
Flak Jacket $5
Get the Point?
Get the Point? $10
NEW! Kartoone Family - 5 fonts - $10
Lousy Marker
Lousy Marker Family - 4 fonts - $10
Marked Up & Out
NEW! Marked Up Family - 6 fonts - $20
Marky Marker
Marky Marker & deFaced $10
Marky Marker & deFaced $10
Sinead O'Connor
Sinead / O'Connor - 2 fonts - Free
Penmanship B minus
NEW! Penmanship B minus Family including new B plus - 7 fonts - $10
Princess Lulu
Princess Lulu Family - 3 fonts - $10
Sketched Out
Sketched Out (plus Sketched In) $10
Sketchy Family - 2 fonts - $10
Stan's Hand
Stan's Hand $10
The Blob
The Return of The Blob $20
NEW! The Blob Family - 4 Fonts - $40
Rocky Font Family 11 Fonts - $20

What you get when you pay the purchase/shareware registration fee:

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All fonts & designs copyright © 2015 by Stanley Roland Frantz,
Synergistic Designs. All rights reserved.
This was my favorite surfboard of all time.